RETRO that keeps up with modern trends
A unique switch for three lights, practical LED dimmer, and original lever control - three products that prove the RETRO collection of home switches and sockets is definitely not resting on its laurels and, despite its retro appearance, keeps up with modern trends.
The RETRO collection of home electrical installations brings a touch of nostalgia to interiors. The innovative combination of retro design and unconventional technology has given rise to original switches that expand the standard range of products in the RETRO series. What is it about?
Že každé světlo potřebuje svůj vlastní vypínač? Přepínač tří světel v kolekci RETRO vás vyvede z omylu – jak je totiž patrné už z jeho názvu, tento unikátní produkt umí ovládat světla hned tři! To mu umožňuje vačkový spínač uvnitř, který je standardní součástí strojků vypínačů RETRO a který dovoluje otočení středového ovladače až do osmi poloh. Otáčením kličky se tak postupně rozsvěcují či zhasínají samostatná světla či jejich skupiny dle daného spínacího programu v jednom okruhu. Podnětem pro výrobu přepínače tří světel byla snaha o vytvoření vypínače, který dokáže ovládat více jak dvě světla. Jeho výhodou je bezesporu designová úspora místa na stěně, kde by bylo jinak zapotřebí více vypínačů.
Z pohledu materiálů nabízí rámeček přepínače tří světel provedení z bílé nebo černé keramiky, masivního dubového, bukového či javorového dřeva, nebo stále oblíbenějšího betonu i skla.
That every light needs its own switch? The three-light switch in the RETRO collection will dispel this misconception – as is evident from its name, this unique product can control not just one, but three lights! This is made possible by a toggle switch inside, which is a standard component of RETRO switch mechanisms and allows the central control to be turned to eight positions. By turning the knob, individual lights or groups of lights can be gradually turned on or off according to the specified switching program in one circuit. The inspiration for creating the three-light switch was the desire to design a switch capable of controlling more than two lights. Its advantage undoubtedly lies in the space-saving design on the wall, where otherwise multiple switches would be required.
In terms of materials, the frame of the three-light switch offers options in white or black ceramic, solid oak, beech, or maple wood, as well as the increasingly popular glass.
Dimming in Interior
Once ambient lighting, another time intense illumination to brighten up the interior on a cloudy afternoon. Brightness control for lights in households is becoming an increasingly popular solution and, consequently, a functional requirement for switches. The RETRO collection of home electrical installations is not lagging behind and offers an LED dimmer in its lineup, which can control not only the intensity of LED lighting but also traditional filament bulbs. To adjust the light intensity, you simply need to turn the central control. As a bonus, there's an integrated alternating switch, allowing the lights to be controlled from multiple locations by pressing the central control. One of the advantages of the LED dimmer is energy savings, achieved by adjusting the light intensity.
The frame of the LED dimmer can be made from ceramic in black and clean, or painted white finishes, solid wood in four variants, or concrete. The control covers offer a combination of matte white and black.
Wooden frame |
Ceramic frame |
Wooden frame |
Ceramic frame |
Toggle Istead of Handle
The RETRO collection of home switches allows you to turn on and off the lights using not only the rotary knob but also a simple lever. Does the lever control of interior lighting seem familiar to you? Yes, levers were once present, and now they're making a comeback! Given the retro character of the RETRO series, the combination with lever controls has great potential. However, since levers are operated in a vertical direction, this style of control required adjustments to the internal construction of the RETRO switches – the toggle switch was replaced with a classic rocker mechanism from standard switches.
The control levers can come in white and black finishes or a patinated style. The frames offer material choices of ceramic and wood.
Concrete frame |
Wooden frame |
Hand painted ceramic frame |
Hand painted ceramic frame |